Tuesday, October 4, 2016

WWII German Paint Scheme

This is my basic paint list for WWII German Heer

All colors are Vallejo Model Color and designated by their number and name unless otherwise specified.

Flesh: Scale Color Basic Flesh or 955 Flat Flesh
Tunic and Pants: 830 German Field Grey (Note, some trousers can be 867 Dark Bluegrey)
Helmets and some collars: 979 German Camo Dark Green
Collar Tabs: 918 Ivory or 950 Black for Pioneers
Soft side caps: 867 Dark Bluegrey
Webbing: 950 Black
Straps on Pioneer packs: 988 Khaki
Shovel case/surround and boots: 950 Black
Bread bag: 886 Green Grey
Gas mask canister and anklets: 979 German Camo Dark Green
Canteen Cover: 984 Flat Brown
Gas cap and stick grenade heads: 867 Dark Bluegreay
Gas mask and Pioneer Packs: 886 Green Grey
Blanket rolls: 821 German Camo Beige
Rifle wood: 984 Flat Brown
Rifle metal, smgs, and MGs: P3 Pig Iron

These are the base colors I use, but there are always variations among the uniform colors and from the effects of fading.  But, if you're looking for a place to start painting German figures, this should help.