This is my basic paint list for WWII German Heer
All colors are Vallejo Model Color and designated by their number and name unless otherwise specified.
Flesh: Scale Color Basic Flesh or 955 Flat Flesh
Tunic and Pants: 830 German Field Grey (Note, some trousers can be 867 Dark Bluegrey)
Helmets and some collars: 979 German Camo Dark Green
Collar Tabs: 918 Ivory or 950 Black for Pioneers
Soft side caps: 867 Dark Bluegrey
Webbing: 950 Black
Straps on Pioneer packs: 988 Khaki
Shovel case/surround and boots: 950 Black
Bread bag: 886 Green Grey
Gas mask canister and anklets: 979 German Camo Dark Green
Canteen Cover: 984 Flat Brown
Gas cap and stick grenade heads: 867 Dark Bluegreay
Gas mask and Pioneer Packs: 886 Green Grey
Blanket rolls: 821 German Camo Beige
Rifle wood: 984 Flat Brown
Rifle metal, smgs, and MGs: P3 Pig Iron
These are the base colors I use, but there are always variations among the uniform colors and from the effects of fading. But, if you're looking for a place to start painting German figures, this should help.