Monday, June 17, 2013

Hetzer Complete

My Warlord Hetzer is finished - weathered, decals, and varnished. This will be hitting the table at the upcoming Bolt Action tournament at Historicon in July. 

I'm really pleased with the rain streaks, which I applied a second time over the decals to help blend them to the vehicle. 

The paint scheme is as follows: (all colors are Vallejo Air or Model Color unless indicated). 

Primer: German Dark Yellow RAL 7028
Base coat: Dark Yellow 71.025
Brown camo: Tank Brown 71.041
Green camo: Tank green 71.011
Tracks: German Grey 995 with AK enamel Track Wash and dry brushed Gunmetal Grey 70863
Weathering: AK Dark Streaking Grime, Mig Europe Dust, Mig Track Brown, Mig Standard Rust, Mig Light Rust, and Mig Black Smoke

Monday, June 10, 2013

A few more Fallschirmjager

Here are some photos of the rest of my 28mm Fallschirmjager.  This is a mix of Warlord and Artizan figures. 

Hetzer Weathering Complete

Below are some photos of the Warlord 28 mm Hetzer painted and weathered. I'll follow up with a gloss coat, then decals, before a final application of Dullcoat.

More Hetzer WiP

I've started the weathering on the Warlord 28mm Hetzer. I really like the rain streaks, which were done with an enamel product: AK Streaking Grime. 

Here's a close up photo. 

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Today's Bolt Action Table

Here's a couple shots my buddy's awesome table for today's Bolt Action game.